Apr 17, 2023Liked by Heather Schenck (she/her)

This is great Heather! It was fun to read this and imagine where you were in your life and where I was in mine when you were listening to that podcast episode. I love that you are sharing this wisdom and writing your story. I also had to laugh when you were describing the uneaten dinner plate. My wife gets so upset with the kids don't eat the dinner she made. I look forward to the rest of the chapters!

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Apr 7, 2023Liked by Heather Schenck (she/her)

Love this very personal, very relatable discussion. I’ve so often been in that emotional situation, and sometime let it overpower me to destroy relationships and possible futures. Less now, but it lurks.

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Apr 6, 2023Liked by Heather Schenck (she/her)

I appreciate and resonate with so much of this - as a parent, former bedside healthcare worker, and human being who leans on labels to validate my value. We truly are the organic fabric of being that underlies everything we do and everything we choose to pursue. Those things don't necessarily define us, but they can be a doorway to tracing steps and decisions back to our core self.

Thank you for this chapter!

(I worked with Alex - he was/is such a wonderful human and spoke so highly of you!)

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one thing that stuck out to me specifically in this post was the labels we give our selves. I tend to say things like "I'm a climber" rather than I like climbing rocks. I think it does play a toll on mindset and setting expectations for myself. Because I'm a climber i have specific outcomes to achieve almost like its a job rather than a fun hobby. By thinking that way it can sometimes take the fun out it and you forget sometimes why you do it. So I think taking away the label might help take away the stress as its not something i have to be rather than something i choose to do because I enjoy it. So I think that is a mindset i am going to work on changing.

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